| 022 2374 0000

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Since last 06 years"CANCER HELP & RESEARCH TRUST" is trying to achieve its goal of bringing happiness to those children who are suffering from congenital heart defects. There are nearly 1,80,000 children born in India with CHD every year. Though it's a completely curable heart disease but the costly surgery is been a big trouble for the economically challenged families. Through “CANCER HELP & RESEARCH TRUST” we are trying to reach those kids who are suffering from CHD and take complete responsibility of their diagnosis, surgery and post surgery medicines.
Helping process
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We love to help all the children that have problems in the world. After 06 years we have many goals achieved.
Get everything you need to know about cancer, from the basics to detailed information on more than 70 different cancer types.

Children helped



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- Address:Victoria Road, Cross Lane III, Sant Savta Marg,
Byculla (East), Mumbai – 400027 - Phone:022 23740000